Monday, July 02, 2007

June 2007 Monthly Report…

Bad month but good news…I am finally on the path to financial freedom!!!

My net worth took what could be its last negative dip this month and I am very excited about the future. I officially graduated from law school and I am taking the bar exam at the end of this month. My current employer is allowing me to take all of my vacation in July so I can really focus and pass the exam the first time around. Otherwise, I will be taking the exam in February. I feel a little behind with my preparation because I have been working full-time. It’s my hope that the time off will allow me to not only catch up but to center my mind and focus on what is the most important exam I will ever take in my life.

This month, I had some pretty big expenses including my sister’s wedding shower and more bar exam expenses. Plus, my 401k did poorly this month and my car depreciated a lot. I haven’t received my tuition reimbursement so that will be reflected next month and will improve my net worth.

Therefore, my journey officially begins here at ($92,445).

1 comment:

L. Marie Joseph said...

By you being a lawyer, you should pay that debt off within 3-4 years