Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tuesdays With Morrie...

My Sister gave me a book called "Tuesdays With Morrie" today so I am going to start reading it tonight. It's supposed to be inspirational. Have you read this book?

Also, don't forget to check out my new blog Windy City Bliss @ I post there almost daily. =)


Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of our writing. I am curious as to wny you would wrap your finances into your new blog? The money stories are alot more interesting when you have the details of what is going on in the person's life and who that person is. Just a thouhgt.

Chitown said...

@ Broke by Choice -- Are you suggesting that I merge Windy City Blues with Windy City Bliss?

Thing is....I want to focus on abundance in my life and keep my focus off debt.

Anonymous said...

That is my suggestion. I understand that debt itself is a negative thing. Your personal finances are very much a part of your life and who you are. The relationship that you have with money and the role it plays in your life impacts other areas as well. In the area of finances the focus doesn't need to be debt it could be "building a solid financial foundation" (debt is only a small part of this).

I think your new focus on abundance is fantastic and I am very excited to follow the journey. Intentionally focus on financial abundance (building a solid foundation) is what is going to get you from where you are to where you want to be financially. In this case abundance does not mean a raise or increase in income or winning the lotto. It could be learning new information or having a changed perspective over time or progress towards your ultimate goal.

Either way, I will be reading.