Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Meditiation Challenge....

Now that I am back to work, the Meditation Challenge has been a struggle. I am on Day 10 and I haven't missed a day but doing the meditation in the morning is much better than when I am getting ready to sleep at night. Simply put, I need to get up at least an hour early to get in the 20 Minutes of meditation and 40 minutes of exercise to get my day started off on the right foot. Once I get home, I tend to think only of dinner, shower, rest and relaxation.

I am trying to finish up my online compliance training due at the Bank before 11/30/13. I had seven courses to take and I finished five this morning. Speed reading and then taking the test at the end. It's the same training each year with only small modifications so passing the tests with an 80% or better hasn't been an issue.

I am heading over to Macy's in a few minutes with my co-worker Eric for something called Fellowship Loop. Fellowship is a church on the south side of Chicago that offers downtown church service. I don't remember the frequency. We used to go all the time, but my work schedule hasn't allowed. This month, my calendar was clear so I asked him if he wanted to go. He is the one who got me to attend the first time and it was pretty cool.

Well I am off. Have a wonderful Wednesday! Hump Day Baby! =)

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