Friday, July 04, 2014

4th of July...

Felt really really tired this morning for my run. I struggled through running 1.5 miles and then my left shin started hurting so I switched to a Run/Walk. Just glad that I got in some exercise today. I am going to conquer these bleachers and then head home to jump rope for 15 minutes and then enjoy the rest I the holiday.

Today is Harlem's 40th Birthday. I completely forgive him and I forgive myself. I don't have any blocks on my phone anymore so I sent him a text this morning to wish him a Happy Birthday. I sincerely hope he has a fun and fabulous Birthday and that he's smiling wherever he is today. Everyone should be celebrated on their special day. 

Okay bleachers....Be my friend! Have a great 4th of July!!! Two days until Punta Cana! Bavara Princess Resort...Here I Come! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

forgive, but don't forget.