Saturday, February 27, 2010

Expensive Day...

As I reported, my garbage disposal died last week. I went to Home Depot today and purchased a new one. I didn't get the most expensive disposal but it still hit me for $120 including tax. My boyfriend or brother in law will install it for me next week.

I also spent almost $70 on my nephew's birthday gift today. My sister mentioned last night that they needed to buy new forward facing car seats since my nephew is now 1 years old and around 20 lbs. So, I decided to get them a $50 Visa Gift Card and I got him just a touch n feel book from Toys R Us so he had something to tear into. He had a nice birthday. I don't buy my nephew a lot of stuff at all like clothes and toys on a regular basis. So, if the gift card will help purchase a good car seat to keep him safe, then I am happy to contribute. My sister and brother-in-law each have a car seat in their cars and they never ask me for anything.

I did however spend way more than planned.

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