Friday, April 07, 2006

Oprah’s Debt Diet...

Watching the Debt Diet has been a BIG turning point for me. Until then, I knew I was in trouble financially but I didn’t have the motivation or guidance to do anything about it. When I had money in my checking account, I didn’t feel broke. (Even if the money was financial aid debt that I would eventually have to pay back.) Meanwhile, my net worth declined and I knew it. What I am trying to say is that despite the fact that I’ve been keeping count of my declining net worth for years, I did nothing to change my attitude or my spending behavior. I had this mindset that one day it would all get fixed. One day I would make more money and all would be well in Chitowngirl’s world.

I see a lot of myself in Brenda Bradley. She wanted the big house, the fancy cars, she liked to shop, eat out, etc. Well...who the heck doesn’t? I certainly do and I got a lot of things to my detriment. The difference between me and Brenda Bradley is that I decided to do something sooner rather than later. I decided to change my behavior before I could have the chance to put the financial and emotional drain on a marriage or hamper my children’s future. That is the only difference. Financial awakening happens for people at different times. I feel so grateful that the time for me is NOW.

I went on the message boards and saw the mean comments about the Bradley’s and Brenda in particular. Quite frankly, I was appalled at what I read. Why judge? Some people spend for a variety of reasons and everyone has had a different upbringing. Some were exposed to financial lessons, others learned from what they saw. As Oprah said... “When you know better...You can do better!” She said this one day and it struck a cord. I know my spending behavior is hurting me now and the more I continue down this destructive path, the more it is going to hurt my future.

I am thankful for the show and I am thankful that these families had the courage to put it all out there and make a positive change in their lives. So instead of judging, I salute them and I hope they have much success because...

When you know better...You can do better!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on seeing the light sooner rather than later as you said.
I haven't been able to watch the Debt Diet shows, as the negative feeling just bothered me. Judging others is such a nasty habit & I just didn't want to see it on TV. I like the premise of the show, but I sure wished it was done a little differently.

RS said...

It is good that you figured this out in your 20's rather than later. I am happy to hear that it helped you see your financial life in a new light and I wish you the best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes people have to get low before they straighten things out. A lot of people just float, coasting in debt and poor financial habits because they aren't going to go bankrupt, but they aren't going to get ahead either. So I'm with you, there's no judging when it comes to finances -- everyone figures it out in their own time in their own situations.

Anonymous said...

You're way ahead of the game! Great job in understanding things at a young age that most never get. Nice blog you have here.