Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Preparation is Key…

I had a pretty bad cash flow day yesterday, spending $18 dollars on lunch, dinner and snacks. I am back on track. Now at first glance you may not think $18 is a lot of money but when you only have $300 to spend on whatever you want for the whole month, that $18 really takes a big bite out any future shopping I “may” decide to do. So, last night I forced myself to make my lunch for today to avoid any unnecessary spending. I also packed deli slices to snack on throughout the day. This should stave off my bad habit of snacking on chips. Yes…more bad habits. =)


Sripathi Ramadurai said...

One of the cardinal rules of saving is 'self-discipline' and you are on the right track. Good luck!

Phoebe said...

dried fruits and nuts are good too (and may offer more nutrients than deli slices). I love Trader Joe's!

Anonymous said...

When self discipline gives way to good habits you're really on your way. You're on the right track.

Anonymous said...

There's no substitute for discipline, but sometimes there's divine intervention. I was going to order Chinese food tonight, but I mysteriously left my wallet at home. Feeling stupid, I came back and just reheated some leftovers. Saved about $10. Plus, when I went to my budget, I saw that I've already blown my eating out money.

calgirlfinance said...

I always to to keep snacks in my car (or at work) so I don't end up spending a ton when I'm hungry. Realization of the problem is the first step!

mapgirl said...

I found you through LAMoneyGuy. It's tough, but it really is those small choices and balancing things out between needs and wants. Practice drinking water. Or get sodas when you're out at a bar. I often get free refills on soda from bartenders, but an alcoholic drink will get rung in every time.