Thursday, May 18, 2006

Thank Goodness...

This time tomorrow I will be done, done, done!!!

I just broke the bank and bought tickets to see Alvin Ailey on Sunday. It is my treat for finishing my 3rd year of school. I am so excited!!!


NewsGirly said...

Congrats! You will probably look back and be grateful and incredulous at how you managed to do so much. Enjoy your time off school.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being done! It feels nice, huh? If you can remember back far enough, what was your favorite first year class?

Chitown said...

Laws Finance -- By far, property was my favorite class. I had a wonderful professor. Coincidentally, I also had that professor for Family Law and I loved that as well. I did really well in Criminal Law, A- and had a good professor but I just cannot see myself practicing criminal law…well maybe white collar crime. =)