Monday, November 26, 2007

Turning 30…

I turn 30-years old on Sunday. Sometimes I can’t believe it or bring myself to say the words. The last four years of my life are a blur. With working full-time and going to law school part-time, I didn’t have much of a life to say the least. I have this nagging feeling that I missed out on the last 4 years of my twenties which coincidentally were also the years where I accumulated massive amounts of student loan debt. I am also sort of newly single for the first time in my life. My boyfriend and I dated for over sixteen years (junior high) but since I finished school, we haven’t been able to reconnect as I had hoped. That being said, I guess I should look at the future as a fresh start in so many ways.


Anonymous said...

Here's to a fresh start at 30! I'm turning 30 in a couple weeks as well and it really feels strange. I, too, will take this opportunity to start up some new things, close down some old things and hopefully our thirties will bring us our best times yet. Happy Birthday and Good luck!

mapgirl said...


Turning 30 isn't so bad. Just think of your new found single status as just an opportunity for something that's better for you. There are indeed, plenty of fish in the sea, if you don't mind the dented/damaged shelf.

Well, that's more like advice for when you're 35. At 30, you'll still have a great many options that are cosmetically appealing and internally sound.

Happy Birthday on Sunday!

Chitown said...

Thanks Anonymous and Mapgirl!

Escape Brooklyn said...

You young'un! Happy (early) birthday and congratulations on all you've accomplished! All the women I know swear that the thirties are the best decade.

(And so sorry to hear about your relationship. On the bright side, it might be fun to date again and meet new people after so many years?)

Peachy said...

Happy belated Birthday

Tired of being broke said...

Happy Belated!