Thursday, August 29, 2013

Computer and Timing Purchases...

I am the Queen of timing purchases! I use my Capital One Rewards card to pay for everyday expenses, for emergencies, monthly household utilities and monthly transportation costs. For over a year, I have successfully used and paid the card off each month.  The billing cycle is pretty much from the 15th to the 15th of the next month. Then I pay it off at the end of the month, two weeks after the closing date. So if I have to incur a large expense or make a large purchase, I try to make sure it's just one thing during that 30-day billing cycle.

Right now, my car repair is sitting on my credit card for payoff at the end of next month. If I am able to get the Condo Association to reimburse me the $420 for the pipe repair soon, I will be in great shape. I just need to watch my spending over the next two weeks. If I am able to keep things tight, I won't have to use much if any of the Emergency Fund money my friend gave me for a rainy day.

I am praying that my phone turns back on in the next couple of days because I definitely need it for the Half Marathon on September 8th. This morning I remembered why I had to get a new phone when I realized after charging my old iPhone 3S that I couldn't turn it off. The power off button at the top doesn't work. My sister has a Go Phone she said I could use that she purchased after she too dropped her phone in the toilet. Her iPhone managed to come back on and so did my BFF's iPhone after she dropped it in pool. There is a good track record of these phones turning on after they finally dry out.

The other thing on my radar is a computer. My Dell laptop has a virus on it and doesn't work. I've had my eye on a new computer but now I am thinking that I will take my Dell over to the Geek Squad to see if they can do anything to get it back up and running. That could save me over $1k right now. I really do need a personal computer especially if I plan to do any side legal work. My iPad is limited in its functionality.

So provided my iPhone turns back on and works properly, I may look to get my computer repaired next month. Again...fingers crossed and prayers going up!

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