Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 2...

I am sitting here on the train and my stomach is growling every few seconds. I am so hungry. I missed a real breakfast because my train stalled this morning. I just grabbed some canned fruit I had in the fridge for emergencies at work. Then I grabbed a quick bite at Wendy's before I went to the doc for my annual physical. It was a busy day. I was just sitting here thinking about the chicken enchiladas with chips & salsa that I want and will order when I get off the train. Then I remembered...that would cost close to $20 from the restaurant even for take out. So...I will be taking my butt home and finding something there to prepare.

I got on the scale at the doc and OMG!!! What the heck have I been doing the last month?!?! My butt doesn't need enchilada anything!!! Back to morning workouts. I won't even tell you the number on the's way too painful!!! 

I took a bag of clothes over to my mom for her to ship back to Victoria Secret yesterday. I went on a mini vacation to FL in July and I purchased some pj's and swimwear. The sizes were too big so I ordered smaller sizes and I need to send the wrong ones back. I tallied and its close to $150 that will go back on my card. I'll take it!!!

So here is my tally for the day. Not bad!

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