Have you ever bought something you know you have no business buying just to feel the feeling of having it and to know you can? I did this recently. My boss invited me to makeovers at the Bobby Brown counter at Bloomingdales and then we walked over to the Louis Vuitton store on Michigan Avenue and Oak Street. Let me tell you something, you would never think we were in a recession the way women and men were buying and walking around with bags on Oak Street. That's where all of the high end stores and boutiques are downtown Chicago. My best friend used to work at a Bank on Oak Street when we graduated from college and I remember just thinking "Wow" when I'd taxi up there to have lunch with her. It reminded me of Pretty Woman when Vivian was on Rodeo Drive. lol
Anyway, after the makeovers, we all walked over to the Louis Vuitton store and I fell in love with a handbag. The girls convinced me (it wasn't too hard) to buy it since I never buy myself anything nice and it was bonus time. I bought it. I took it home. I looked at the box in the bag all day Sunday and promptly took the damn thing back on Monday. I never even took if out if the pretty wrapping. I remember feeling so much lighter having the $2,500 back in my account. It was just nice knowing that if I wanted to buy the bag, I could have without adding anymore debt to the equation. It's nice knowing that with focus and diligence, I'll soon be able to walk into stores and buy a handbag and bad *ss shoes without guilt. That's going to be fun.
Okay...I'm really going to bed now. lol