Going into 2014, I was down and out emotionally, physically and spiritually but I stayed focused and prayed up. I had no idea how the year would turn out or that it would be as fruitful and amazing! God is faithful and always good!
- Pay off a Minimum of $20,000 in Debt - I paid off a total of $11,083.
- Maintain $10,000 in Savings - $11,110 in cash and marketables.
- It's hard to complain about the progress I made this year financially. In August, I got a new job in a different department in the Bank where I feel valued and I enjoy the work. My base salary increased from $102K to $115K. There was a mix up with my year end bonus which ended up being $4K-$5K less than it should have been so that resulted in not being able to make a larger debt pay down at year end.
- I finally made the move and rented out my condo in September. I found awesome tenants and the move was a bit expensive with the Realtor fees and moving costs. It took me a few months to recoup the expenses but overall, it was a good year of debt reduction and saving.
- 8 Hours of Sleep
- Minimum of 1 Gallon of Water Daily
- Run 3 Times a Week
- Jump Rope 15 Minutes Daily
- Run Races and at Least 1 Half Marathon
- I did not do well in this category this year. I was on the run non stop and I didn't place it high enough on the priority list. My annual physical in December went well and I am healthy.
- Take at least one big trip - Destination TBD
- Visit my friends in NJ
- Visit my friend in DC
- Visit Niagara Falls
- Visit CA with a drive up the coast
- I took my first solo vacation to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. Amazing! I was there for 5 days and had a relaxing and amazing time. I am so proud of myself!
- My friends from NJ actually made it to Chicago instead.
- My friend from DC also made it to Chicago twice this year.
- I made it to Niagara Falls in June and August 2014!!! Beautiful!
- Still need to get out to California but I made it back to Toronto in August for the Carabana Festival!
Overall Comments:
2014 was an awesome and humbling year. I made really strong and great moves to put myself in a better position to be free! The move home with my parents was the best decision and I am so thankful for my parents and for my Dad's suggestion. They are super happy to have me home as well.
My debt repayment journey really began in December 2009 when my Net Worth hit its lowest point at ($203K). I've been battling back every since. Last year it was ($141M ) and this year, it has continued to improve to ($115K).
I have a new love in my life! I am literally typing this message from Ohio where I am visiting CJ this week. We wanted to ring in the New Year together. I was sitting on the beach in the Dominican Republic in July when I received an email from CJ and we've been talking and an item ever since. We've known each other since we were 11 years old and He's actually my 7th grade boyfriend. His Mom died from breast cancer halfway through the school year and he had to move to Maryland to live with his Dad. We tried to stay in contact over the years and somehow, he'd always contact me every few years and still remembers my parent's phone number after 25 years. Just an overall good man and he loves me. Always has in our own little way. It's another long distance relationship but we're making it work. The long distance aspect actually works this time since I am also living at home with my parents right now.
Thank you for hanging in there with me this year! More good things to come! Happy New Year! =)