Friday, February 07, 2014

I Need Something Good...

Feeling a little crushed right now. Do you ever just need something good to happen to you? That's how I feel right now. I got some tough news today and there will be more to come at a later date but I just need something good and positive to happen to me and for me. So badly. Hope you guys have a good weekend.


Kas said...

Sorry to hear that you're feeling bad. I completely understand needing something good to happen, I felt like that a lot in the past. For me it was also always wondering when all the pieces were finally going to come together. I will send some of my recent good luck your way. I have been pretty lucky since I met my boyfriend, he says he isn't lucky anymore because I took all of his, oops!

Chitown said...

lol...that's when you have to remind him that's he's permanently lucky because he has you! Thanks for the pick me up! =)