Thursday, July 03, 2014


I've been working out consistently the past couple of weeks. I'm still stuck at 3 miles for some reason. It's a combination of fatigue with my lungs and legs. I just have to keep pushing. I also did three rounds of stadium stairs which is up/down 5 times per round. Time to shower and enjoy the rest of this beautiful and sunny day. No rain in the forecast. =)

Have a great day! 


ShellyShell said...

I love this app!

Anonymous said...

Way to go! Can you jog/walk the fourth mile? Just slow it way down but get the distance in? -lawgrad

Chitown said...

I will give it a shot tomorrow and report back!

Chitown said...

Me too!!! =) How was your birthday weekend?

ShellyShell said...

My birthday weekend was great! Went to the Finger Lakes region of NYS and had delicious wine all weekend. My most adult birthday yet!
Hope you're having a great time in Punta cana.