Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Student Loan Update...

Talk about BITTER SWEET! 

The Sweet Part is that I paid off Private Loans #2 and #3 (see the charts to the right) and I received a Distinguished Performance Rating at work!  

The Bitter Part is that my entire bonus went to pay off loans and I don't get to play with any of the money! BOO!!!! 

Any Hoo! The 2015 Grand Total for Debt Payoff is....$34,556!!! That compares favorably to $11,083 for 2014. Still moving in the right direction, even if it is hard to part with the hard earned cash! 


Scooze said...

Congratulations! You are really paying off your debt fast these days. Good for you!

Chitown said...

Thanks Scooze! I am really trying and it was a good year! 2016 will be even better!