Saturday, June 07, 2014

I Am Enough...

Just started following @initforthelove on InstaGram. This picture was a great reminder that I am enough just the way that I am. I just need to have faith that a wonderful man will come into my life and appreciate who I am, what I have to offer and show me his love and appreciation with both his words AND actions.

Today, all could think about at my nephew's graduation is how much I love that little boy, how proud of him I am and how much I really want to be a Mom. I am so thankful for my parents, my sister, brother-in-law, nephew and my best friend and her daughter who comprise my core group who love, support and encourage me every day. Without them, my life would have very little joy, happiness or purpose. With them, my life is rich so I remain grateful, thankful and humble. It blows my mind that God thought enough of me to bless me with such amazing parents, family and a friend who is like a sister. I am a glass half full type of woman. Someone once said, I have blinding hope. I just quite simply believe in God. Even when I get frustrated with His timing, I believe in and put my faith in God.

In this life, I desire to be healthy, free from debt, to be happily married with a family of my own, to raise my kids to be good people and their best selves and to travel and see the world. I rest in the belief that it's possible and that it will happen.

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