Friday, October 04, 2013

Let the Weekend Begin...

The weekend is finally here but this week flew by so fast.  It was a busy busy work week but productive.  I will heading to Madison, WI on Sunday afternoon for the week.  I am leading a review up there so it should be interesting and a learning experience. This is only my second review to Lead and this one is an onsite review so I will be representing the team. Fun!

It's Homecoming weekend for Northwestern so I have a few events to attend including an alumni softball game tomorrow. That's going to be fun. Looking forward to seeing some of my old teammates. 

I am working on my September Financial Summary so hoping to post that by Monday.  The results are already posted on Networthiq. You can click on the net worth link to the top right of the page. All in all, I had just a $100 dip in my net worth which isn't bad considering I had close to $1,200 in car and home repairs for the month.

Performance reviews will wrap up by the end of the month and I will know my bonus and raise (if any) soon. Bonuses pay out in the middle of December.

My Dad met with his cardiologist yesterday. He will go for an Eco and Stress Test on my birthday actually, December 2nd, and then they will determine if he will need a defibrillator and/or pacemaker. We are hoping and praying that the meds strengthen his heart so he won't need another surgery. My Dad has been through so much since 2009. We all have really.

Have a wonderful weekend! =)

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