Monday, October 14, 2013

Loss of Classmate...

I got home this evening to find out my high school classmate died after giving birth just 9 days ago. She was so ecstatic about being a mom and you could tell she was already in love with her son. My heart is heavy. She had a beautiful and positive spirit. 

It's a wake up call not to take people and time for granted. A person can literally be here today and gone today. Not just tomorrow. Tell and show the people who matter most to you that you love them. Let go of the foolishness and stuff that doesn't matter. Be happy. 


Scooze said...

I'm sorry to hear that your friend died so young. It's tragic - and you're right that it's a good lesson to make sure that we are living our lives every day, not just focusing on "tomorrow".

Chitown said...

Absolutely...she was the first person I thought of this morning as I thanked God he woke me up today. So sad. She might have been 36 years old. Something similar happened to my sister after she gave birth. She passed out and was rushed via ambulance to the hospital. But for God's Grace, she's alive and healthy today. Thankful.