Wednesday, October 02, 2013

October Already....

It's October already.  Wow!!!  Time is flying by and I'll be bundling up for Chicago Winter soon.  I love all four seasons and Fall is my favorite.  Things have been good but super busy.  The weekend was fun. Went to the movies Friday and Saturday, went to see my nephew swim, had brunch with the family and then had an unexpected visit from an old friend Saturday night which turned into Sunday morning.  It was a good time catching up. Church on Sunday, some cleaning up and then Sunday dinner with the family.  Good times.

I kicked off my review project on Tuesday so work will be busy busy for the next few weeks.  I leave for Madison WI on Sunday and will be working onsite there for the week.  Then it's a long Columbus Day weekend and I am looking forward to having some downtime and fun.  Before I know it, it will be November and I'll be decorating for Christmas. Yeah!!! I am such a holiday nerd. =)

I am doing well with my finances.  I will post a September Summary this week.  Onward and upward. Staying on target and staying on plan. Freedom tastes good!!!

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